How Does One Start On The Path To Full Career Development

There are various ways of getting to the top in any industrial or commercial post but the career development process can be quite baffling, complex and at times, totally overwhelming.  This is whether you are just a beginner on that first step or at the point of wanting to stretch your horizons and make a change.  To simplify the process there are generally five steps to achieve top career development and these can be started in the very first phase of the working life.  They begin with self assessment, moving on through identify and research options with goal setting; action planning utilising evaluation and prioritise;  implementation and refinemement which can mean take action and try your options.  There has to be some reflection and re-evaluation along the way.  There should of course be a sixth – for if any of the previous five have proven to work and thus been successful, no. six would be step up to that top job.

The start of this long road inevitably requires planning and research – to discover if where we think we want to be in five years, ten years, fifteen etc is still on track and achieveable.  In todays job market, career development is one of the first items the interview panel will be considering.  One’s poor effort or entire lack of it will indicate no push through or determination to succeed.  A red flag one might say.