Ahh career development . . . in my early days, that title was kept for the brightest of a cohort at senior school level. One was naturally expected to go into particular industries and make a certain amount of progress by set and recognised time periods. These days it definitely covers the widest possible range of workers, designers, creators, artists and artistes. Where once one would think, I work in this bank, and have better paid holidays and other in house perks than Jo Bloggs who joined this firm or that outfit receives. I left school to become a junior travel agent in the same firm my parents were share holders. I didn’t get a light run in either – I had to buckle down and learn the ropes just like any other office junior. All my chums were going into industry or banks etc. I was the only one of my group that had a truly interesting role and very much public facing. Learning to deal with Mr or Mrs Angry at that young age definitely taught me a vast amount about my own capabilities and the fickleness of the line manager above me. Yes, career development was indicated by the better and more choice reps’ feebies that came my way!