Business Needs Respect, Timely Reporting & Legimimacy

Running a business is not a lightweight, part time occupation.  There are many factors to running it legally and within the boundaries of ‘best practice’.  Starting out properly in the first place will pay off in the end.  It may seem overly fussy to not cut corners;  always reporting figures up to the appropriate authority in a timely fashion;  not apearing to break the rules or condoning anyone else who does.  One’s reputation out in the fierce dog eat dog world can be daunting, but very often following the example of someone you know in business who started out small and by diligently adhering to the rules, and not meandering off down daft time wasting rabbit holes whilst trying to avoid taking the obviously smart and direct, but possibly costlier route . . .  I have always been fascinated and deeply annoyed whenever I have read about felons who are being prosecuteed for serious misdemanours.  If these oafs had spent a quarter of their time and energy on slower but more legitimate business transactions, then they would spend far less time looking over their shoulder – knowing that the authorities will be watching and will catch up with them.  If not this year, a knock on the proverbial door will surely come.